A deliciously rich smoky, creamy, pate which is easy to make and can be used for a variety of smoked fish. We’ve used hickory smoked mackerel – one of our favourite fresh hot smoked fish – see our separate recipe – but you could use this for any fish type. Hot smoke a little extra so you can create this wonderful dish plus it’s a brilliant way to make something special out of leftovers.
We recommend a strongish smoke flavour for use with mackerel, which is a robust flavour in its own right, so needs an equally robust smoky complement. Hickory is our smoke wood of choice, or try Oak or Whisky Oak. Check out our wood chip flavours here
You’ll find the flavour of fresh mackerel much different to the shop bought variety, it is lighter in colour and a little more delicate in flavour – although we recommend a strong smoke flavour, you can vary the smokiness as you cook to suit your own taste.
1. Follow the recipe for hot smoked mackerel – details here. You will need four fillets or approximately 600g.

Hickory smoked mackerel pate recipe
2. Allow the mackerel to cool. Fork the flesh gently off the skin and flake it up, removing any bones as you go along.
3. Place in a bowl and mix the horseradish sauce with the creme fraiche, the juice of half a lemon and a generous seasoning of freshly ground black pepper.
4. Finely chop the chives and add to the mixture.
5. It’s ready to eat or fill a small jar or kilner jar and store in the fridge until you are ready to use.
- Fresh mackerel (gutted with head and tail on)
- 200ml Creme fraiche
- Tablespoon horseradish sauce
- Juice of half a lemon
- Bunch of fresh chives
- Black pepper
- Kilner jars to store
Wood Chips
- Hickory chips

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