1. First, cold smoke the garlic and eggs.
2. For the garlic, loosen the cloves whilst still maintaining the bulb clusters.
3. For two of the eggs, boil for around 10 minutes so the yolk remains soft. Gently roll the eggs on a hard surface to crack the shell, but don’t remove it.
4. Prepare your cold smoker and fill your smoke generator with a strong or medium wood smoke dust flavour – try oak for a robust smoke and apple for something a little softer. Light the generator and once the smouldering is in progress, remove and extinguish the tealight.
5. Place the garlic bulbs and the cracked eggs directly on the grill rack, close your smoker and allow to smoke. Remove the eggs after 1 to 2 hours and the garlic after 3 to 4 hours. Leave both ingredients for a further couple of hours to allow the smoke flavour to settle and fully infuse.
6. Then peel the garlic, crush and mix with the salt. Add the yolk from the unsmoked egg and beat until smooth.
7. Gradually add the olive oil whilst continuing to beat. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and add the peeled smoked egg, both yolk and white.
8. Once smooth, transfer to a serving bowl. Serve with hot smoked asparagus, fennel or artichokes. Makes a perfect accompaniment to our Hot Smoked Seafood Platter, also in our recipes list.
- 4 garlic cloves (worth cold smoking a couple of full bulbs whilst you are smoking)
- 10g coarse sea salt
- 3 eggs, 2 for cold smoking, 1 for the yolk
- 150ml olive oil
Wood Chips
- oak for a strong smoky flavour, apple for a medium smoke

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